Board Meeting - 1/19/2023


Meeting Notes

1.       Call to order


2.       Roll call – voting members

President - Tim Ryan ()

Vice President - Rory Held (x)

Secretary/Treasurer - Aaron Fischer (x)

Board Member -  Hannah Reisdorf ()

Board Member - Ryan Thayer (x)

Board Member - Roger Amundson (x)

Board Member - Matt Craig (x)

Board Member - Matt Bahr ()


3.       Approval of previous meeting notes

Approved - no discussion


4.       Unfinished business



5.       Committee status reports

Strategic Planning/Robotics Growth Committee – Tim Ryan

Committee met and discussed.  A letter will be drafted with the intent of getting into schools in the area, and potentially using existing robot students to help bring the message

NDSU may be hosting a post-season meeting with FTC and FLL teams to get their input.  We could attend as well.  Tentatively April?


Financial – Aaron Fischer

Account balances shared

Dollars for Doers (Deere employee donations) - 12153 total

Fargo Liquidators Surplus - 613.90 so far.  A few items are left.

Amazon smiles is ending.


Outreach – Rory Held

Need to get sponsorship acknowledgements sent out.  Aaron and Rory will do this.


6.       Events


FLL Regional - could use a backup volunteer or two.  Setup after 5 on 1/19/23.  Event is 1/20/23 starting at 8.  STEM Alliance is providing pizza.  We are also streaming.

FRC in Grand Forks - March 9-11 2023.  Judges needed 10th and 11th. 

FRC - week 0 - Bemidji - Feb 18 -

Kickoff - event was great - very successful for FRC and FTC scrimmage.


Planning for some type of camp in Q3 at the Air Museum.  Ryan and team are working on it.


RRV Fair and EXPO - we should touch base with Christa, keep working on plans, and try set a date for the EXPO so we can advertise


7.       New Business

 additional streaming equipment including a travel case.  Plan to apply for a ND STEM Ecosystem grant.

Logo merch store will be opened soon @ BeeSeen


8.       Plan next meeting

 Feb 21 7:30-8:30


9.       Adjourn

