Board Meeting - 2-16-2021


1.       Call to order



2.       Roll call – voting members

President - Tim Ryan (x)

Vice President - Rory Held (x)

Treasurer - Jason Ryan (x)

Secretary - Aaron Fischer (x)

Board Member - Hannah Reisdorf ()

Board Member - Luke Stein (x)


3.       Approval of previous meeting notes

Approved - no discussion


4.       Unfinished business

FTC event - still a desire to have a scrimmage the end of March.  Tim Ryan will continue to work with Scott and the requesting team to clarify expectations and see if there is a viable option.

Fargo Airsho - desire is to have groups/teams be there to fill gaps between air events.  Not looking to recruit pilots - engineers, programmers, other technical fields - supporting the air industries.  Need is to coordinate with teams/groups we know of in the area to attend.  Also to brainstorm other possible groups in the area that might be interested and a good fit.


5.       Committee status reports

Organization – Aaron Fischer

No update - waiting for determination from IRS.

Facilities – group discussion

Might be an issue with the internet.  Wifi isn't working and we didn't pay in January.  Jason Ryan will do a little detective work to try see what happened.

Meeting with Moorhead superintendent tomorrow about the Career Academy space.

Might need to look into temporary storage unless storage could be available at the Career academy too.


Fundraising – Jason Ryan

Talked to Bell Bank about getting an account open.  Some discussion about one signer/two signer checks.  This may not be necessary, but probably a good idea to have the Treasurer not be the check signer.

Tim Ryan will approach a professional in this area to get a little advice.


PR - Hannah Reisdorf/Rory Held

Working on some material related to Airsho outreach

Also an email signature for everyone to use.  Rory Held will send instructions to use them.

Some website updates to better manage meeting notes.  Also some discussion of how to help teams with website hosting in the future.  Tim Ryan and Rory Held will discuss offline.


6.       New Business



7.       Plan next meeting

 March 16, 7:00PM


8.       Adjourn

