Board Meeting - 7/26/2022


Meeting Notes


1.       Call to order



2.       Roll call – voting members

President - Tim Ryan ()

Vice President - Rory Held (x)

Secretary/Treasurer - Aaron Fischer (x)

Board Member -  Hannah Reisdorf ()

Board Member - Ryan Thayer (x)

Board Member - Roger Amundson (x)

Board Member - Matt Craig (x)


3.       Approval of previous meeting notes

Approved - no discussion


4.       Unfinished business



5.       Committee status reports

Strategic Planning – Tim Ryan

Aaron will schedule a meeting - Monday in a couple weeks

Facilities – group discussion

Moved out of Beacon Communications

Into a 10x10 storage unit

Trash to the dump

Some items to online auction house

Need to do some more cleaning at Moorhead facility

Fundraising / Financial – Aaron FischerCurrent state of accounts

General Account - $8296.94

Directed - $7298.85

ND STEM Ecosystem - pledged to sponsor Expo @$2500

Need to do some targeted fundraising in the short term

Outreach - Rory Held

Need to follow up with Sanford

Robotics Growth Committee – Tim Ryan

Include in Strategic planning discussion


6.       Events


Arduino camp - 4 participants - 4 days - part of MSUM College for Kids program - current robotic team members helped teach.

My project will " " when " " changes - allowed participant to choose a sensor and actuator to work with.

went well, some structure to content is suggested

Plan to do again with College for Kids - up to 12 participants - run again and then consider "packaging" for other forums

RRV Fair

Light traffic

Lots of ideas to improve exhibits and content for future - that could also be used for other outreach throughout the year

Need to determine what level we would want to be involved and what involvement the Fair wants to have with a STEM building at all

Aaron will schedule a conversation with Fair to talk about how the fair went and details for the Expo.



15 teams coming

Some volunteers still needed

Could use some more fundraising

Have a call on August 1 to discuss final details - Aaron will schedule

Maybe plaques for winners

Other Expo participants planned as well

Consider a science fair at a future event

Invite some key school administrators




7.       New Business

 Air Museum Fall fundraiser - Sept 24 - 5PM - Can we get a robotics demonstration during the social hour 5-6:30.  Should be able to get some FRC representation there.


8.       Plan next meeting


August 23 6:30PM


9.       Adjourn

